When you have come up with a lovely unique and creative blog name or website name for you new business or project, it’s time to register it with a Domain name registrar.
When you register a Domain name, your details get registered in a world wide database, the WHOIS database, where as standard your contact details are shown to anyone who wants to know who has registered your domain name. If privacy is important for you, it’s possible to make sure these details are not made public. Some registrars charge a fee for this while others offer this service for free.
In this post we share our recommendation for where to register your domain names, this is a company we have worked with for years and find them trustworthy and one of the cheapest out there. Moreover, they offer domain privacy service for free. We also mention what is important to think about when creating an account with a Domain Registrar.
registering your domain
step 1
Go to the registrar of your choice, we recommend Namesilo* and here in this post you’ll read the process of registering through them.
step 2
Click on SIGN IN in the top right corner, and after that create a new account through the option “New to NameSilo?”. Remember to use an email address that you check regularly to make sure you receive notifications about domain renewal fees in the future. Why is this important? Because if you miss these payments your website and website email will stop working and you might even lose the right to use the domain for your business & website… choose an email address you look at regularly and never ignore emails from the company where you registered your domain.
step 3
After you have created and account you can search for your domains through their homepage and buy your domains. We are affiliate partners of Namesilo, so if you use the links to Namesilo in this e-book and use the discount code heart at the checkout, you get a $1.- dollar discount. Namesilo offers free Domain privacy service and it is switched on as standard, so that’s great too!
step 4
Domain registrars often upsell hosting from their website, and might offer this as part of the buying process. But it’s best to keep your hosting and domain name separate, so we recommend you don’t buy hosting from your domain name registrar when registering a domain name. Contact us if you’d like to receive a recommendation for your site hosting. We work with a lovely ethical, green and affordable company!
You’ve registered your Website or Blog name, the important first step in making your new website or blog a reality!
more help …
creating your new website or blog
If you are still considering how to build your website, have a look at our Divine DIY Website pack that makes creating your website yourself Easy, Flowing and Intuitive.
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