I don’t know what came in to me, but I picked up a business book where they drop names like PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Hewlett-Packard left and right and talk about “Analytical Tools” and “Frameworks” and “Building Execution into Strategy”, among other yawn-inducing concepts… ????
I’m glad I persevered though, because among the eyes-glazing-over terminology, I did find some gems that are helping me with my biz.
And I’ll try to share with you in crystal clear language what they are!
The book is Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim & Mauborgne.
in the business world (apparently)
If you’re reading my blog, you are probably a business owner or you have an idea for a business.
And so I thought you’d love to just hear the gist of what I found without having to ever touch such a book yourself 😉
~ so what is all that blue ocean thinking about? ~

Blue Ocean Strategy for your biz is like having your personal treasure map in the business world. Instead of competing in crowded areas where everyone is searching for the same treasures (clients), it’s about exploring uncharted territories.
You’re on a quest to discover new opportunities, create something unique, and set yourself apart.
It’s like finding a secret island on the map where you can uncover valuable treasures that others haven’t even thought about.
It’s a strategic adventure to make your mark in a way that stands out and excites people about what you bring to the table.
~ why is it called blue ocean thinking? ~
Because they are using the analogy that for most businesses, where they are competing in the same sea, in that place the sea turns red from blood (the fierce competition).
But there is another space where you can go, further away from the rest, the blue and spacious wide ocean, that is only yours and there you have space to swim and find your clients.
Each one of us has something unique, something that only we can do or give to our clients. The trouble is, we usually don’t really talk about those things that we’re already doing, because – to us – they are normal!
If there is one thing I am taking away from this book, then it’s that it is super important to think about what these things are and to start to talk about them a lot.
Below are some questions to help you do that, but first I’m giving you my example, so you get the idea of how to think about this.
Something unique that I’m doing is that I’ve created a Blue Ocean for people who want the best of both worlds when creating their website.
They want the convenience and ease that platforms like Squarespace and Wix promise but with the low-costs and long-term flexibility and independence that WordPress gives them. But WordPress can be hard on your own…
With my DIY website pack I’ve created a whole new option where I make creating your website on WordPress yourself as easy as a walk in the park.
And what have I done to make it different? I don’t just offer you an e-course and show you how to install WordPress, connect your domain, etc.
You get a ready to login to WordPress website to make your own plus a step by step process, plus support.
This makes starting with your site even easier than starting on SaaS platforms like Wix, Squarespace, etc.
(read more about your website options and why I love WordPress so much).
And it gives you all these empowering skills and tools keeping your costs down, now and in the future.
This option wasn’t really there until I created my Blue Ocean business offer!
Another thing that is unique, that I’m doing that no-one else is doing for websites: I infuse everything I do with the calming, nurturing and energizing vibes of nature, including my course and emails.
Lots of studies have shown the amazing effects of just a picture of a tree on the wall in a hospital room on recovery time… Nature is truly magical and a project like creating a website can definitely benefit from these vibes, especially if you find tech overwhelming!

~ blue ocean thinking for your biz ~
So to help you do your own Blue Ocean thinking for your biz – let’s imagine your business is a flower in a garden (the market space) … questions you could ask yourself are:
- What unique colors, fragrances, or features does your business flower have that set it apart?
- What value does your business flower bring to the garden that others do not?
- How can you make your business stand out in a crowded garden?
- How can you share about and your flower’s unique value in a compelling way with your potential clients?
- What is the captivating story behind your business flower?
- How can you share this story to create curiosity, engagement and interest among potential “garden visitors”?
I think it can help you to take out a notebook and pen, and ponder these things. And then to start talking about these things in your newsletters and posts.
It’s a pretty easy thing to do, but not many biz owners do it, and it will really make you stand out, and help your clients realize that working with you is special.
I hope this helps you on your business journey …